
Featured Clips

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Do People *Deserve* to Be Cared for by Others?

It's tricky to say what people "deserve." What do we deserve by virtue of our shared humanity? What do we deserve by virtue of our actions? Why do some people receive more or less than they deserve? In this clip, the group discusses these questions as they pertain to care.
April 21, 2022
ClipsFeatured Clips

Is Money Easy to Make?

This clip brings together four people with different histories and philosophies about money, who discuss how much Many people associate money with a feeling of lack. In that sense, they feel it is difficult to make. But is that really the case?
February 15, 2022
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How Should Money Factor Into Your Identity?

This clip brings together four people with different histories and philosophies about money, who discuss how much money should factor into one's identity. Topics include enjoying the lifestyle that money affords, anxiety about spending money, and using money to help others.
February 15, 2022
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Learning To Be Okay with Being Objectified

In modern western culture, there are a select handful of acceptable topics for men to bond with each other over: Whether we like it or not, people will objectify us. How much should we concern ourselves with that? Should we change how we dress? How we talk? How we behave?
January 28, 2022
ClipsFeatured Clips

How Men Bond With Each Other Over Attractive Women

In modern western culture, there are a select handful of acceptable topics for men to bond with each other over: sports, business and women. In this clip, Evan, Maddie, Grace and Ethan discuss men's need to bond with each other over attractive women, and how it factors into their sense…
January 28, 2022