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How Psychodynamic Therapy Works

What happens in your childhood forms the psychological borders that you live within later in life. In this clip, I share with Grace my experience with psychodynamic therapy, and how it's helped me understand where my trauma comes from.
January 5, 2021
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How Men Bond With Each Other Over Attractive Women

In modern western culture, there are a select handful of acceptable topics for men to bond with each other over: sports, business and women. In this clip, Evan, Maddie, Grace and Ethan discuss men's need to bond with each other over attractive women, and how it factors into their sense…
January 28, 2022
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Can Sex Get Better in a Relationship Over Time?

The mainstream relationship model depicts being with the same partner year after year as boring, where intimacy and connection are destined to fade over time. In this clip, Lana takes issue with this idea, and shares an alternative paradigm that has allowed her to experience better sex over time in…
February 25, 2021

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