
What It Means To Be A Man

By October 27, 2020 One Comment

What It Means To Be A Man

What is the right way to raise a young man? In this dialogue, Evan and Alan share their experience with masculinity and work out how they believe ideas of manhood should be communicated to boys today.

One Comment

  • Sarah says:

    That was so interesting when you were talking about women in your life expressing feeling like they are married to kids because the men can’t find things in the kitchen or don’t have an instinct to get a toddler ready for school. I must admit, I sometimes feel that way about my husband because almost all of the indoor chores default to me unless I specifically ask for help. I’ve thought a lot about this (both on my own and in conversation with him), and I also see where he has the same experience of me in other domains. For instance, I have hardly any instinct for my physical security or protection. Yet, he has every scenario mapped out. He also takes the lead on all our house projects, of which there are many. So, for us, we may have momentary feelings of frustration when we are overwhelmed by something in our domain, but ultimately I think the divide and conquer approach works well.

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