In today's society, the political left doesn't see legitimacy in the right, and vice versa. Why is that? In this clip, Evan and Madi explore the reasons why people have a hard time genuinely connecting on these topics.
In March 2020, people started doing things they hadn't done before: wearing masks, taking kids out of school, staying home more often. In this clip, Evan and Madi discuss how the pandemic has impacted different groups of Americans.
Is it possible to predict your future actions with accuracy? In this clip, Madi and Evan discuss the ways in which situational factors impact your behavior, and how knowing yourself deeply impacts your ability to accurately self-report.
Why do people use or not use makeup? Is it about wanting to be seen as attractive by others, or can there be a deeper reason why someone uses it? In this clip, Grace and Brentan discuss the reasons behind their differing philosophies on makeup.
Is it important for women to be attractive? In this clip, Grace and Brentan discuss the concept of "pretty privilege", and how attractiveness should be valued in society.
When you have a competitive or self-destructive personality, exercise can be a form of punishment. In this clip, Brentan shares the changes she's made to her yoga practice to mitigate competitive tendencies and recover from injuries.
Moving away from home is often the first opportunity a person gets to reimagine themselves outside of the context of their family. In this clip, Brentan shares her experience going to college and breaking free of the self-image she grew up with.
When you don't feel good about yourself, you don't treat yourself with the care that you deserve. This clip brings together an ex-smoker and a recovering anorexic, who share what it's like to create healthy habits after years of self-destruction.
Growing up in American society in the 1990s and early 2000s, there was one standard image of women in the culture: thin, white, and insanely beautiful. This clip brings together a millennial and a Gen-Zer who share their experience.